James Serole MPHAHLELE

James MPHAHLELE - Dialoga portfolio - Part 8

"Rushing to the mountain", 1987 - masonite print on paper - ed. 1/75 - Image 41.5x98.5 cm

PELMAMA Register AAMC JMPH 87/08



The young men are rushing to the mountain to hide their hair which was cut off when decorated with the African cut (tlopo). Wherever they go, the Rod of Honour is their lead.


This work exhibited:

Artimex Fine Arts, Basel - 1997/98


Work illustrated:

Cover of invitation card "James Mphahlele", Gallery 21 Johannesburg - February, 1989

Transvaler, Johannesburg (Applous) - 7th February, 1989


© The Haenggi Foundation Inc., Johannesburg/Basel

This page last updated 4th January, 2015

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