James Serole MPHAHLELE

James MPHAHLELE - Dialoga portfolio - Part 25

"Utensils", 1987 - masonite print on paper - Image 30.5x40.5 cm

PELMAMA Register AAMC JMPH 87/25



This scene depicts the various utensils and objects used, e.g. the reed mat - Legogwa; the wooden bowl - Mogopo; the small clay pot - Thiswana; the stick - Lekgai; the Rod of Honour - Sefoka; the razor - Legare; the blanket - Lepai; the necklace - Pheta ya Molaleng; the bangle - Leseka; the sheep skin - Hlaba; the red-ochre - Letsoku.


© The Haenggi Foundation Inc., Johannesburg/Basel

This page last updated 4th January, 2015

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