A few remaining copies of the ordinary and special edition of the publication

"Lucas Sithole 1958 - 1979" - A pictorial review of Africa's major sculptor

co-published by Gallery 21 and The Haenggi Foundation Inc., Johannesburg, in 1979 (F. F. Haenggi) (ISBN 0-620-03982-5) were still available ex Basel, Switzerland

or from online resources as at 2015.


LUCAS SITHOLE ISBN 0-620-03982-5 ord. edition                  LUCAS SITHOLE ISBN 0-620-03982-5 with PAM overprinted cover


During 1980, five hundred complimentary copies of the ordinary edition were sent to leading museums, associations of art, art journals and art dealers, particularly in the USA, for their reference library.

Do check with your local museum library if they still have a copy to view.


You may also like to check on the 2015 publication - ISBN 978-3-033-04655-9


This page last updated 7th January, 2015

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